Tips for adults managing life and ADHD

Tips for adults managing life and ADHD

View our videos to get tips for managing your life and ADHD.

This growing collection has been recorded from past conferences and events, written for media and blogs or other activities.

Speakers are experts in ADHD from the medical and related industries. 

You can view these at any time, to help you to understand and manage ADHD successfully.

​Then click on any one of the images or headings below to go to that page.

Helpful life hacks for you to manage your ADHD

Here are ten ideas for adults with ADHD to stay busy when it's cold outside

Keen to hear what other adults with ADHD said in our 2021 survey?

Brett's final blog 'Am I giving myself enough credit?’ celebrates wins

In #4 'What are my intentions?’ Brett focuses on what’s really important

In Brett's #3 blog she asks are you aware of what others are saying - is it true? Kind? Helpful?

Brett's blog #2 on overcoming critical self-talk is What am I telling myself?

Brett's blog #1 'What am I actually doing?' helps you to improve when you know what it is you’re working on

Jessica McCabe, 2021
​​​​​​​How to get your ADHD brain into a routine to get stuff done (5 mins)

Manage your ADHD symptoms with these seven nutritional tips

Callum McKirdy, 2021 
​​​​​​​You, Me and ADHD (1 hr)

Dr Melanie Prinsloo, 2020
​​​​​​​​The practical management of ADHD in addition to, or instead of, medication (15 mins)

Succeeding with ADHD as an adult

Dr Melanie Prinsloo, 2020
​​​​​​​​Having ADHD and happy relationships (15 mins)

Dr Christian Thoma, 2017
​​​​​​​Nutrition and ADHD (25 mins)

Natalie Jane, 2017​
​​​​​​​The benefits of living with less with ADHD (20 mins)

Survey for adults with ADHD

Dr Sarah Watson, 2017​
​​​​​​​Laughing, loving and feeling intensely: adult ADHD and emotional control (50 mins)

ADHD and an unusual sense of fairness

Dr Sheridan Kay, 2017​
​​​​​​​Who's taking care of you? The relationship between stress and the nervous system (20mins)

A/Prof. Karen Waldie, 2016
​​​​​​​​Genes, environment and cognitive training in ADHD (50 mins)

Dr Christian Thoma, 2016
​​​​​​​Nutrition and ADHD (1 hr)

Adults with ADHD at work

Brett Harrington, 2021​
​​​​​​​10 tips for ADHD'rs wanting to work productively from home (5 mins)​

ADHD at work - know your employment rights

Jock Matthews, 2020
​​​​​​​​Managing work stress practically (10 mins)

15 good jobs for people with ADHD

Jock Matthews, 2020
​​​​​​​​Improving work productivity (10 mins)

ADHD NZ in NZH: How workplaces can help neurodiverse workers thrive

Liz Tibbutt, 2017
​​​​​​​​How to lose a job in ten days (25 mins)

Why neurodiversity presents job opportunities