eLearning ​​​​​​​FAQs for School Staff


Thanks for your interest in ADHD and for providing more support to your students with ADHD.

Q: Who can use this?

A: These e-learning modules aim to support staff in primary and secondary schools, such as teachers, teacher aids, nurses, SENCOs, RTLBs and other roles that interact with students in the school environment.

Staff from overseas schools are also welcome to view these e-learning modules. If this matches your situation, please be aware that New Zealand's ADHD medical and legal guidelines at the time of writing may differ from your country's guidelines.

Q: What will you learn?

A: After registering and logging into our website, you can view our three e-learning modules. These modules aim to provide you with:

  • a basic understanding of how ADHD can impact students in your class
  • accommodations and strategies for supporting students with ADHD (and everyone else), and
  • support pathways for students with [un]diagnosed ADHD.

Each section contains a maximum of seven pages of information and includes a mixture of media, such as reading or watching videos.

You'll also have the opportunity to download and print our cheat sheets:

  • Quick Tips for supporting students with ADHD, and
  • Quick Facts about ADHD.

Q: What will you need to do?

A: After registering and logging into our website, you can view our three e-learning modules. ​

Each section contains a maximum of seven pages of information and includes a mixture of media, such as reading or watching videos.

You'll also have the opportunity to download and print our cheat sheets:

  • Quick Tips for supporting students with ADHD
  • Quick Facts about ADHD, and
  • summary for each module.

At the end of each section, you can complete a form (with only three fields) to advise that you've completed this section.​

When you've completed all three sections, we'll invite you to provide some feedback to us and send you a certificate of achievement. 

Feel free to print your certificate out and put it on your wall. Students with ADHD will then know that your classroom is a safe place for them.

If you register/log in to our website and disappear, we'll send you an email reminder in two and four weeks. 

Unless you request other information from us or subscribe to receive our updates, these are the only emails you'll receive from us.

Q: How long does each e-learning module take to complete?

A: We received feedback suggesting that if you can focus on completing a module (without distractions) and participate in all media, including reading content, watching videos and listening to audio files, each module will likely take just under one hour.​​There are three e-learning modules that you can complete:

  • 1. Understanding students with ADHD at school
  • 2. Accommodations and strategies for supporting students with ADHD (and everyone else), and
  • 3. Support pathways for students with [un]diagnosed ADHD.

Each module contains up to seven web pages of insights, strategies and tips.  

Q: What will you do with my details?

A: Unless you request other information from us or subscribe to receive our updates, the only emails you'll receive from us are if you:

  • register/log in to our website and disappear, we'll send you an email reminder in two and four weeks to encourage you to return to these e-learning modules
  • provide feedback to us that we need some clarity on and your email address, we may contact you about this, or
  • fill in your details when you complete each section, for all three sections, we will send you a certificate of achievement.

​​We're committed to complying with the privacy requirements required by law in New Zealand. You can read more about this in our Privacy Policy.