Looking for help?
Check out our extensive directory of ADHD-related healthcare professionals around New Zealand, including clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, paediatricians, counsellors, occupational therapists and support from numerous organisations, such as education and social sports.
If you're not sure of the differences of some of these healthcare professionals' titles, we've outlined some the different types of professions. However, your primary care physician, family physician or general paediatrician would likely be able to refer you to any one of these healthcare professionals.
We endeavour to keep these Healthcare Directories as up to date as possible. However, if you find any of the information not valid, please let Raewyn know at info@adhd.org.nz so she can investigate further.
Thank you for supporting ADHD New Zealand.
The material on our website is provided for educational purposes only. Your use of our website is governed by our Privacy Policy and Disclaimer. We are a not-for-profit organisation that can provide you wtih ongoing support in your ADHD journey. However, we do not provide medical advice, assessment, diagnosis, or treatment. Your GP can recommend a suitable healthcare professional to you.
Content on ADHD.org.nz is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial 4.0 International License.