What are the signs of ADHD in adults?
It was not so long ago that it was commonly considered "an excuse for naughty kids" or because of "bad parenting".
For a lot of you today, that's the environment that you were brought up in. So it's little surprise that your parents didn't get you assessed or get the right adjustments in place to understand and support you.
Over the decades the understanding of ADHD has changed dramatically.
Now, with years of excellent research and many destigmatisation and education campaigns, by organisations like ours, the general population is beginning to understand that ADHD:
You're an individual and in the same way, there are differences within others who have ADHD. Each person is likely to vary in the type, number, frequency and severity of their ADHD behaviour/symptoms but there are some definite commonalities.
We now know having ADHD has many benefits as well.
Despite this ADHD symptoms in adults frequently remains unrecognised or misdiagnosed.
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